Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "manuel gutirrez aragn"
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  "Shooting at someone means taking away what they have lived and what they have left to live, but shooting at a girl means that anyone can be shot." Summer 2019 on the south-side of Madrid. The neighborhood streets are accustomed to mangled bodies, to the violence of prostitution and drugs, and even to the fights that cause breathlessness. But this time it's different. Shot at point-blank, the dreams and hopes of Carla, a... - Read more

"Before the terrible years I was a happy child in that place. Happiness seemed the natural state of life, something as obvious as sunrise every morning. The first rays of light penetrated between the fronds of the thatched roof on that morning when everything began to change." The life of Isaiah began anew the day he arrived in Barcelona as a boy, leaving his world behind. After a long time he has built a new life together with his partner,... - Read more

At the death of Manuela Malasaña, during the tragic events that took place in Madrid on the 2nd of May of 1808, Captain Zamorano is put in charge of carrying a bag to his regiment from Madrid to Extremadura and handing it over to Coronel Díaz Porlier. He is accompanied by Sartenes, a prisoner from the Casa y Corte prison, who has been freed to fight the French, and Teresa, an embroideress friend of Manuela, will soon join them... - Read more

Manuel Muro, a reckless and heterodox painter, arrives in Paris with an empty case and, once there, life fulfils him at the same time that he fills his case. Thanks to his immense capacity to fascinate, he gets very close to the most interesting people in the town. In this way he made friends with Unamuno who gives him the manuscript of his “Diario de París”, the which he puts in his case; Juan Gris paints a portrait of two... - Read more

  When exactly did everything get twisted?At what point did your body become a hindrance, a cruel reminder of a past to which you have no choice but to return to? These, most likely, are some of the questions that Eva asks herself, the protagonist of this novel, to whom the weight of the stares, words and the desires of others becomes increasingly unbearable. In the grip of constant physical pain and a routine that seems to have no end,... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 10 results
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